Latest News
Anaesthesia Associates Regulation
Anaesthesia Associates Regulation Today the DHSC has released a consultation on regulating Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates. The draft order is the framework required by the GMC to formally regulate our [...]
BOOKING OPEN – Annual Conference 2023
BOOKING OPEN 14th Annual AAA Conference 28th + 29th September 2023 London Early Bird discounts, Programme available soon. Places are limited - last year we sold out, so don't miss out! Get booking here Hope [...]
Anaesthesia Associate Title in Scotland
Anaesthesia Associate Title in Scotland The Anaesthesia Associate title has been confirmed for our profession in Scotland. Previously the Physicians Assistant (Anaesthesia) title was still in use. With pending GMC regulation, the AA title will [...]
Round-up of 2022
As my first post as President, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and I hope you all have time over the Christmas period for rest and recuperation. It has been a busy [...]
Committee Update
Dear Members, Following the announcement at the AGM, a number of changes have taken place on the committee. Paul Forsythe, John Randall and Matt Mannion have stepped down from the roles of President, Vice President and Treasurer respectively. The committee would like to express how grateful we [...]
RCOA publish draft curriculum for AA’s
From the Royal College of Anaesthetists website: Anaesthesia Associates Curriculum The RCoA worked in close collaboration with the General Medical Council (GMC) and others to develop a new Anaesthesia Associates Curriculum, which is aligned to [...]
Core Capabilities Framework
HEE publish the Core Capabilities Framework for Medical Associate Professionals to educators, employers and those considering careers as anaesthesia associates, physician associates, or surgical care practitioners Date: June 2022 Author: HEE Core Capabilities Framework In [...]
Statement from the president of the AAA
President’s statement: Thank you, goodbye and welcome! Apologies this update is so late in coming October 2021 feels like a long time ago and there has been so much to do since [...]
The President’s Blog
Anaesthesia Associate Title in Scotland
Anaesthesia Associate Title in Scotland The Anaesthesia Associate [...]
Round-up of 2022
As my first post as President, I would like [...]
Statement from the president of the AAA
President’s statement: Thank you, goodbye and [...]
Statutory Regulation of PA(A)s
Statutory Regulation of PA(A)s I am [...]
Planning The Introduction And Training For Physicians’ Assistants (Anaesthesia)
Planning The Introduction And Training For [...]
Update From Paul Forsythe – RCoA/AAGBI Scope Of Practice And Toolkit
Update From Paul Forsythe – RCoA/AAGBI [...]
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