From the Royal College of Anaesthetists website:

Anaesthesia Associates Curriculum

The RCoA worked in close collaboration with the General Medical Council (GMC) and others to develop a new Anaesthesia Associates Curriculum, which is aligned to the GMC’s Physicians Associate and Anaesthesia Associate Generic & Shared Learning Outcomes and the professional standards in Good Medical Practice: interim standards for Physician Associates and Anaesthesia Associates.

Following a GMC consultation in 2021 and recommendation from an independent panel of GMC Associates in 2022, the RCoA is pleased to publish the draft curriculum which course providers can use in developing their courses.

This is the version we intend to submit to the GMC’s curricula approval processes when that organisation becomes the regulator of AAs. Until then, the GMC cannot legally approve the curriculum and as such, there remains the possibility of further changes before that point.