Thank you for your interest in the Association of Anaesthesia Associates Annual Conference, which will be held in Liverpool, on 13th & 14th of October 2022.
Liverpool is a city built on its Maritime Heritage and world trade influence and has more museums and galleries than any other UK city outside of the capital. The Merseyside Maritime Museum the venue for the conference is in the Albert Dock amongst the largest collection of Grade I listed buildings in Britain and stands in the shadow of the famous Liver buildings and Pier Head.
The conference focuses this year will be on workforce, the development of the Anaesthesia Associate role and preparation for statutory regulation.
The 13th of October will be a clinical skills half day comprised of educational workshops that will incorporate interactive sessions based on Regional Anaesthesia, Ophthalmic Anaesthesia and Airway management (more detail to follow). It will be a half day between 13:00-16:00.
The 14th of October will be a full conference day with speakers including Anaesthesia Associates, Consultant Anaesthetists, updates from regional bodies including DHSC, GMC, HEE and the RCOA and others. This year we will have a panel discussion looking at the history of the role and what the future might hold. A full agenda will follow shortly. It will be a full conference day between 08:40-17:00.
Both Days (13th and 14th of October)
AAA member – £140
AAA non-member – £170
Clinical Skills Half Day (13th of October Only)
AAA member – £70
AAA non-member £85
Conference Day (14th of October Only)
AAA member – £90
AAA non-member – £105
Clinical skills half day
13:00 – 16:00 with one coffee break (please note lunch is not provided)
Conference timetable
Registration 08:30-08:40
Conference 08:40 – 16:30
AGM 16:30 – 17:00
Lunch is provided with two coffee breaks during the day.
Anticipated 9 points CPD, applied for at RCOA.
For Trade opportunities please contact Kate Stephenson