New Anaesthesia Associate MSc
Looking to train as an Anaesthesia Associate? There is a new opportunity at UCL […]
Looking to train as an Anaesthesia Associate? There is a new opportunity at UCL […]
Airway Matters: Explore key concepts underlying safe, multidisciplinary airway management. Dear Association of Anaesthesia Associates,We would like to invite your members to be part of a global effort to make airway management safer for all patients, by signing up to this free, flexible, innovative, online course.University College London, in collaboration with University College London Hospital clinicians [...]
2019 AA Practice Survey The Association of Anaesthesia Associates (AAA) in collaboration with the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCOA), Association of Anaesthetists and Health Education England (HEE) wish to survey Anaesthesia Associates (AA), to help report on the current state of practice and career progression of AAs working [...]
Anaesthesia Associates included in NAP 7 The National Audit Projects (NAPs) are internationally recognised reports that investigate different topics in relation to anaesthesia. AAA board member Lee Varney is representing AAs on the steering panel. The letter below from the Health Services Research Centre (HSRC) gives further information about this [...]
The November issue of the RCoA news bulletin has a piece written by the RCoA President, Professor Ravi Mahajan 'Anaesthesia Associates and the Perioperative Care Team'. Please follow the link below to download a copy.
AAA board member Sarah Massey gives an insight in to the role of Anaesthesia Associates and the importance of forthcoming regulation in today's GMC blog. Click on the link below to read the full article:
AAA 2020 Annual Conference Coventry, 4th & 5th June 2020 The Annual AAA Conference for 2020 will be taking place in the city of Coventry! Full details will be available on this website and via the AAA Twitter account soon 4th June - Workshops 5th June [...]
The Association of Anaesthesia Associates supports the national campaign to raise awareness of fatigue amongst healthcare staff The Association of Anaesthesia Associates has announced official endorsement of the national Fight Fatigue campaign, a joint initiative of the Association of Anaesthetists, the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. The campaign [...]
New FAQs Page for Anaesthesia Associates Check out our new FAQ page, with a host of information covering many topics of the work and training of Anaesthesia Associates in the UK, with links to useful documents for anaesthetic departments thinking of introducing AA's. FAQ's
APAA Conference 2019 - Sheffield The 11th annual APAA conference for 2019 will be held in the city of Sheffield, entitled "MAP's in the outdoor city". The conference will comprise of an afternoon of education sessions and a second full day of guest speakers covering a wide variety of topics. The full programme [...]