Draft AA Scope of Practice

Consultation soon to be launched by the RCoA

Earlier this week the RCoA released the draft Scope of Practice for AAs. We welcome the opportunity to provide feedback on this document and will be actively engaging our members and employers for comments.

Whilst we agree with aspects of this guidance and agree with its necessity, we feel its fails to provide any career pathway or development that is expected of a statutory regulated professional in the NHS. When facing an increasingly challenging workforce crisis, we must utilise all anaesthesia team members to their full potential, improving accessibility, flexibility and service provision for patients now and in the future.

We recognise the differing views and challenging political landscape. As ever we continue engaging relevant stakeholders and support a team approach to anaesthesia delivery for the benefit of patient care.

Once we have engaged our membership we will publish our detailed response to this consultation.

Sarah Massey

AAA President

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