Join us
Become a member of the AAA, help us to be the voice of AA’s and shape our profession.
The Association’s main goal has always been driving the profession towards statutory regulation. We feel this is in the interests of AA’s, our supervisors and importantly, patient safety.
The Association has been present in all stakeholder meetings around regulation, prescribing, AA expansion and faculty development. The ongoing work is extensive and we strive to represent our membership.
Promoting the work of AA’s across all 4 nations is key to establishing an effective and respected workforce supporting the Aneasthesia Team.
Members of the Association also benefit from;
to Association of Anaesthesia Associates

The Royal College of Anaesthetists currently hold a voluntary register of qualified AAs. The register is a pre-requisite for a GMC statutory register, the Royal College of Anaesthetists has written to all NHS Trusts advising them to employ only registered AAs.
The GMC encourage all AAs to join the voluntary register, as it is expected those on the voluntary register may be ‘grandfathered’ across to the statutory register.
To join the register held by the RCoA please click here
Click the link below to join The Association of Anaesthesia Associates
The Voluntary Register @ the Royal College of Anaesthetists
Please note, membership to the AAA does not lead to your name being entered on the the AA voluntary register held by the RCoA. Please register directly on the College website. See link below.