2019 AA Practice Survey
The Association of Anaesthesia Associates (AAA) in collaboration with the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCOA), Association of Anaesthetists and Health Education England (HEE) wish to survey Anaesthesia Associates (AA), to help report on the current state of practice and career progression of AAs working within the UK.
AAA members should have received an individual invitation with a unique access code. This is to ensure only one entry per person. Some invites were sent to your NHS email so please check. Please do not share the survey link.
The deadline to submit is December 31st!!!!
Please check your junk mail/spam folders as some invitations may have been inadvertently directed there.
If you have NOT received your personal invitation and you are a fully qualified and practicing AA please email info@anaesthesiaassociates.org. The survey link with unique access code will be sent to you (in line with GDPR).