GMC blog post introducing Anaesthesia Associates

By |2020-03-19T12:26:48+00:00October 15th, 2019|

AAA board member Sarah Massey gives an insight in to the role of Anaesthesia Associates and the importance of forthcoming regulation in today's GMC blog. Click on the link below to read the full article:

AAA 2020 Annual Conference Coventry

By |2020-03-19T12:26:48+00:00October 7th, 2019|

AAA 2020 Annual Conference Coventry, 4th & 5th June 2020 The Annual AAA Conference for 2020 will be taking place in the city of Coventry! Full details will be available on this website and via the AAA Twitter account soon 4th June - Workshops 5th June [...]

Update – Regulation of Anaesthesia Associates

By |2020-03-19T12:26:48+00:00October 1st, 2019|

Update - Regulation of Anaesthesia Associates The Association recently met with colleagues from the General Medical Council to discuss the next steps towards the statutory regulation of Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates. We were very excited to meet the GMC to formally start the process towards statutory regulation. It has been a long road to [...]

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